Body Shop Haul

As a student I am probably not supposed to spend all of my money on beauty and skincare products, but I ran out of some of my favourite products from the Body Shop and they had an amazing offer online (25 pounds off when you spend 50 pounds). So I didn't really have a choice, did I? Here's what I bought...

Vitamin E night cream (£12.00, here)
I only have a tiny little bit of night cream left, so this one arrived just on time. I have never used this before, but the reviews on the website are promising, so I'm ready to give this a go.

Vitamin E moisture serum (£12.00, here)
I just ran out of my Vitamin E overnight serum-in-oil (also from the Body Shop). I did like it, but it was too oily to use in the morning. Especially now it's really cold outside, my skin can use some extra care during the day and I hope this serum will take care of that.

Hemp hand protector (£11.00, here)
My mother bought me this hand cream as a gift last year and I have used it every single night since (my sister was so kind to buy me a new one for my birthday in June - it doesn't last a year, unfortunately). I use different hand creams during the day, but using this at night really makes a huge difference. It's quite expensive, but it is totally worth it. Trust me.

Camomile silky cleansing oil (£11.00, here)
I have almost finished the Camomile cleansing balm, which works really well. The only downside of the balm is that the tin gets really grubby after a while. This oil promises to do the same job, just without the grubby packaging. And it's one pound cheaper.

Vanilla and tonka bean room, body and linen spritz (£7.00, here)
I still regret not being allowed to burn candles in my room, because I loved burning scented candles at home. Hopefully this spray will be a good alternative.

So all in all, I spent £27. Quite a lot of money, but these products will probably last me about six months. Have you tried any of these products before?

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